4 | 40 | 0 | 0 |
100% |
Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Francine Sex : Woman Status : In a relationship, without children Birthday : Unknown Area : Chaudfontaine |
A few words |
J'aime bouger,rencontrer des gens,faire du sport,aller au cinéma,au théâtre(surtout pour des spectacles humoristiques)!J'aime en général tout ce qui est bon pour la santé,j'aime apprendre de nouvelles choses...dans tous les domaines! |
Work / Job MedicalI don't work | Languages I speak FrenchI speak English I speak German | Daily life Generous - AltruisticFamily - Children |
Lifestyle / Ideology Ecology - Bio | I like a culture/food FrenchBelgian | Sports HikingRunning Ping-pong Volleyball - Basketball Sliding sports |
Physical Activities StrollSwimming | Games Board gamesBowling | Arts and Crafts Painting - Drawing |
Cultural Activities ArtCinema | Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioScience | Cooking / Eating I enjoy coffee |
Entertainment / Info TelevisionRadio - Press | Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachMountain Gardening - Plants | Special Events Flea markets |
Outings / Vacation Travel with a backpack |