1 | 30 | 1 | 0 |
97% | 3% |
Technology Apple addict | I like a culture/food FrenchTurkish - Armenian Belgian Italian | Sports HikingClimbing Ping-pong Badminton - Squash |
Physical Activities StrollBike - Scooter | Games Card games - PokerBoard games WII - Game consoles Bowling | Arts and Crafts Sewing - Embroidery |
Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsCinema | Thinking Philo - Psycho - Socio | Cooking / Eating I enjoy coffeeI enjoy tea I enjoy wine I enjoy beer |
Entertainment / Info TelevisionSoap opera - Manga | Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachZoo - Wildlife parks | Special Events BirthdayConcert - Festival Fairs - Shows |
Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCastles - Monuments |